Since I was a kid, I've always enjoyed making custom art dolls. While I don't often use these skills in illustration, this hobby has come in use time and time again when working on more unique projects. More recently, I've taken up 3D printing and prepping figures, and customizing cheap plastic toys! This gallery has pictures and descriptions of my many little dudes.

Little Dude Clubhouse
On the right is Astra, sewn of felt. I do my own photoshoots.
Morpheus the Nebula Dragon was the very first posable art doll I completed. He was designed to rest on my wand carrier for my wizard outfit! I made Morpheus to have backup assets and practice techniques I would later use on a skeleton dog art doll I made for my good friend. Look close, and you'll see these projects have the same face! In case anything went drastically wrong with my first skull, a second skull was made as backup, but fortunately everything went fine. He's not perfect, but I love Morpheus for being unique, crooked pipe-cleaner tail and all.


Ritsu was once a cake-topper from a birthday cake with little fishies on it that I got for my 8th birthday. He didn't have any paint, so I sanded him clean and glammed him up! He's got a gold finish and a sleek shininess to his scales. He is named after my favorite goldfish.
I played Animal Crossing: Population Growing a lot when I was a kid, and my favorite character was always Nosegay. She was just so polite, refined, and dignified, and had the coolest house! I'm really sad they took her out of modern games. That's why I 3D printed a wii-era Animal Crossing anteater model and painted it like Nosegay--if I can't have her in my game, I'll at least have her on my desk!

In the most recent Animal Crossing game, Flora is my favorite villager. I love her peppy attitude and the silly things she says. She's always got a positive take and is really dedicated to being adorable. Out of everyone in my town, she's my real bestie. I love how she runs around with her arms out and challenges me to look for items she's hidden.

Plastic Astra
My first successful original 3D model print was Astra. I designed him to sit down and be made of large, smooth shapes so he'd print well and be easier to paint. I love his vacuous expression--He is my little idiot!

Chimera Claws Camera
My first successful original 3D model print was Astra. I designed him to sit down and be made of large, smooth shapes so he'd print well and be easier to paint. I love his vacuous expression--He is my little idiot!
I made two 3D prints of Marx from Kirby, so I could send one to my best friend and keep the other for my self! The one on the left went to my bestie, and the one on the right is mine. The base and wings of these guys are laser-cut plastic.