Star Chunks
This is a little embarrassing, but what can I say! A girl's gotta have hobbys. I write this fanfiction with my best friend, and I wanted to bind it for her as a gift. It was way more work than I thought to do this manually, but turned out really well!

The Lioness in Spring
Il Sung Na encourages his students to make an interpretation of a aesop's fable as the final project on his children's book elective. The story I chose was The Lioness in Spring, because it's a lesser-known story with a really clear moral that I'd liked a lot as a kid. Taking inspiration from my old book of fables, I made this story!
Circular Logic
There's a long tradition of writing stories featuring only shapes and no text, and it's a great way to learn how to break down the elements of storytelling. That's why I made this story for Il Sung! It was my first fully-illustrated story.


Bob Kolar had a children's book elective, which I also took. Repurposing an old childhood rhyme of mine, this story is an EPIC about ants daring to brave a scary refridgerator for treats.